Saturday, October 11, 2008

Surviving the Recession

Back when I was in High School I remember having an American History teacher who told the class that during the Depression in 1929 he lived on a boat and went to graduate school at UC Berkeley. He advised us that one of the best things to do when another Depression or major Recession comes along the best way to live through it is to go to graduate school and survive it living cheap and acquiring a skill that can be useful when the economic crises comes to an end.

Along came the major Recession of the 70's. I remembered his advice and I had not used my VA educational benefits yet. That's when I decided to go to graduate school and get an MBA. The VA paid for everything and even paid for my housing. The Recession came to an end about the time I finished graduate school and within a month I had a good paying full-time job.

The moral of the story - In a major Recession (also known as a Depression) go to graduate school and wait it out.


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